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El Grupo para la Innovación y la Logística Docente en Arquitectura (GILDA-UPC) en colaboración con la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Valencia (ETSAV-UPV), convoca las IV Jornadas de Innovación Docente en Arquitectura (JIDA'16) que tendrán lugar los próximos 20 y 21 de Octubre en la ciudad de Valencia.


Las JIDA son un espacio de exposición y debate sobre innovación docente universitaria en Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Las JIDA están abiertas a la participación de todos aquellos profesionales de la educación, docentes y alumnos interesados en nuevas metodologías de aprendizaje en la educación superior.

The Group for Educational Innovation and Logistics in Architecture (GILDA) organizes in collaboration with the Institute of Educational Sciences (ICE-UPC), the Workshop for Educational Innovation in Architecture (JIDA). The JIDA workshop has as its aim the divulgation and exchange of experiences on educational innovation in the context of graduate and postgraduate studies in the fields of architecture and urbanism. The purpose of the JIDA workshop is to improve the quality of teaching and learning in higher education taking into account the uniqueness of these fields of knowledge. The workshop is open to the participation of all those professionals in higher education who wish to share their experience on educational innovation in the field of Architecture and Urbanism with the scientific community, as well as to the experts and novices interested in this subject.

Peer Review Process: Selection and evaluation of manuscripts will be conducted by external peer reviewers, with a double-blind system: the Organizing Committee will verify that the article meets the standards for style and contents indicated in the guidelines for authors; afterwards, it will send the article to two anonymous reviewers experts. Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, authors will receive an outcome of the evaluation.

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